Mental Wellbeing for All

Home / Mental Wellbeing for All

Please note: none of the support groups on the following pages offer emergency crisis support.

If you are at all concerned for the health of yourself, friend or relative and need immediate help,

please use one of these services:

In an emergency:

Call 999

Go to your local A&E department

If you or someone you know is in crisis:

Contact The Samaritans or call 116 123 (free to call from within the UK and Ireland), 24 hours a day

Use the Shout crisis text line: text SHOUT to 85258


FOP undoubtedly takes a toll on an individual‘s physical wellbeing, but it can also affect one’s mental wellbeing too. The spontaneity of flare-ups and general restricted mobility can cause anxiety and low mood, therefore making it crucial for those living with FOP to know how to take care of their mental as well as their physical wellbeing.

We have compiled some resources to help support the mental wellbeing of those living with FOP. Follow the links (to external sites) to visit websites and find more specific resources.

If you know of any other organisations you think might be of support to others living with FOP, please let us know so we can add them.

Living Well: Shifting the narrative 

RARE Revolution Magazine, 2025

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